AMRO20: Art Meets Radical Openness 2020
Of Whirlpools and Tornadoes
May 20th — 23rd

The 2020 edition of the AMRO festival is characterized by reflections upon the “centripetal” and “centrifugal” dynamics of acceleration visible in contemporary society and the ways artistic practice, activism and radical thinking can engage with it.

Of Whirlpools and Tornadoes aims to provide a picture of the current social and technological movements that reflect the diverse troubles our economic and political systems are currently facing. The speed of production and consumption of new technologies is inevitably linked to the waste of natural resources, which humans exploit and use to their own only advantage without considering the equilibrium of the ecosystem.

The acceleration of the effects of climate change runs in parallel to the unstoppable race for technological development, which is often misunderstood as a solution - rather than a cause - of the inevitable environmental catastrophe. Many groups of activists are now trying to push governments into doing more. But there is still very little discussion about models of sustainable technological infrastructure, how this infrastructure can be built and what it might look like. In the meantime, the next generation of smart products are being developed, which will increasingly be connected to the internet. Behind the smooth surface of our daily electronics, even more machines will stream data around the world 24/7, requiring more data centers and energy.
Art Meets Radical Openness
Festival Dedicated to Art, Hacktivism and Open Culture

“Art Meets Radical Openness” brings together local and international artists, activists, developers, researchers and hacktivists involved with the culture of sharing and communal production. They are catalysts that spark new discourses and open up new directions of thinking. Free Open Source Software, open tools in general and the use of free licenses are the precondition and basis for the digital practice of a community like this, which impels social transformation. This tangible transformation goes beyond a digital practice and also changes our real life.

AMRO has its roots in the successful Free Software movement of the early 2000s. In conjunction with the Austrian-wide initiative Linux Weeks, was a co-organizer from the beginning with an event in Linz (LiWoLi – “Linux Weeks Linz”). The cultural, artistic and socio-political focus of the association, which is still marked by the spirit of the Free Software movement, has been systematically expanded with a new cooperation partner. The Kunstuniversität Linz with the Department “Time-Based Media” supports the successful event since 2008. Social, societal and political aspects arising from the pervasion of technology in everyday life were shifted into the foreground.

The Principles of openness and freedom - applied to art and culture - led to the new Title for the event: Art Meets Radical Openness. When art meets radical openness, this suggests a paradox. For what is generally considered contemporary art is rarely "radically open" in the sense that their authors consciously use sources, processes and content to further processing, as is the case with F/LOSS projects (Free/libre Open Source software) is common. What can be successful in the development of free software, however, represents a challenge for us in dealing with information. Which information is meaningful and should be made available to whom in what form?

Since 2014 AMRO has been held successfully on a biennial basis.

AMRO20: Team

Organization / located at Stadtwerkstatt
Kirchengasse 4, 4040 Linz,


Curated by
Davide Bevilacqua, Us(c)hi Reiter in collaboration with AMRO Community Members

Adnan Hadzi, Marloes de Valk, Aileen Derieg, Christoph Nebel, Gitti Vasicek, Markus Decker, Valie Djordjevic, Reni Hofmüller, Aymeric Mansoux, Markus Panholzer, KairUs, Linda Kronman and Andreas Zingerle and many more.

In Cooperation With

Kunstuniversität Linz
Department of Timebased Media Christoph Nebel, Gitti Vasicek


TECH Support
Onur Olgaç, Peter Wagenhuber & Gottfried Gaisbauer (

servus Community

Digital Hosting Managment, Assistance
Martina Kapsammer

Antonio Zingaro, Stefan Fuchs (

Web Design & Front-End
Gabriela Gordillo, Onur Olgaç

Markus Panholzer,

Graphic Design
Gabriela Gordillo

Taro & Martina (Donautics Linz)

Gerda Haunschmid

Exhibition Design
Sai Bao & Yang Mu

Gabriela Gordillo

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